Everyone can start a greeting card, which can surely be an exciting thing to do, in case you have a liking for words, design, and creativity. If you can express your feelings in a loving way, this line of work is most fit for you. Some people may not know, but this industry has a staggering USD 7 billion worth turnover.
Nowadays, sending wishing cards through the Internet is the latest trend. However, despite this, people have always preferred to send or receive a card through mail. These cards sent through mails, definitely touch the heart in a loving and an affectionate way.
Important Aspects of the Business
1. Analysis
Before anything else the first thing you need to do is to study and conduct a thorough research on the different greeting card industries. This will enable you to determine the industry’s strengths and weaknesses. It will also give you a rough idea of how many and which companies are currently competing in the industry.
You may even get an understanding about what type of cards would cater to which age group and gender.Make use of some online associations like the Greeting Card Association (GCA) to be in touch with publishers and freelancers who are in this business. Read books and articles on designing. Collect various cards of different companies, and learn how the designers would’ve made them. You also need to study the styles and ideas of those.
2. Strategize
Make a short-term business plan or strategy, and create a mission for your company. Note down all the aims and objectives. Choose a specific market, and conduct research on its demands and target consumers. Prepare a budget plan to determine the cost of the equipment and materials needed. It is suggested that you take help from an accountant, to determine the exact amount of money needed for you to start operating.
3. Creativity
Create your own expressive ideas and styles which would make your cards unique. Using humorous and inspirational quotes and sentences is a must. Moreover, you need to ensure that different ideas and expressions are to be used for different occasions and seasons.
Collect materials and equipment and start off with your creativity.You may even employ a creative designer for your company.
4. Marketing
Create a trademark name and a logo for your company, complete all the legal formalities, and register your company formally. The company logo should be present on all the cards that are produced by your company. Approach few reputed stores, and make a deal regarding your cards being displayed for sale in their stores.
Initial marketing can also be done by employing some marketers who would make public presentations of your company and the cards. Carry on with your business and incorporate efficient marketing strategies for it to reach the top.Therefore, now that you know how to to start a greeting card business, and what you need to be successful in it, you certainly need to be truly dedicated in working harder and smarter towards your goal.
Moreover, sufficient finances and proper management is also required for this purpose.